Football 4 Peace Team Building day for Year 7 Pupils
Pupils from the High Weald Academy in Kent were introduced to the University of Brighton’s pioneering and ground-breaking Football for Peace (F4P) programme as part of a year 7 team building day.
Football 4 Peace coaches worked with 60 year seven pupils and applied the F4P methodology through a series of physical activities aimed to promote values-based teaching and learning such as equity and inclusion, respect, trust, and responsibility.
F4P coaches also focused on the personal, social, moral, cultural and spiritual development of pupils through both affective and social domains where interaction and team work promote positive attitudes values, motivation, emotional stability and ethical development . What is learnt in the affective domain typically relates to the emotions and feelings experienced whilst social learning outcomes relate to behaviours and responsibility that are an integral part of the learning within which pupils acquire certain values and attitudes.
Football 4 Peace Co-Founder and Deputy Director Dr Gary Stidder said: “Values-based teaching and learning is very important for supporting and directing the attitudes and behaviours of young people as it can promote and develop cognitive constructs, help the formation of identity, break down inhibitions, build cultural bridges and develop an understanding of others.
“The F4P curriculum and associated teaching resources emphasises a holistic approach to the education of trainers and young people through a specific pedagogical model designed to promote emotional well-being, personal development and responsible citizenship.”