Football 4 Peace International

Using sport to promote peaceful coexistence




Rev. Geoffrey Whitfield Founder, World Sport Peace Project.               Director 2001-2004 Prof. John Sugden           Co-Founder & Honorary President.                         Director 2004-2017  
 Jane Bateman Head of International Relations, The FAJane Bateman                 Head of International Relations, The FA, England     Eamonn Brennan            Assistant Headmaster, Cavendish School, England Michael Boyd Partner at the Irish FAMichael Boyd               Director of Football Development, Irish FA, Northern Ireland Prof Cora Burnett Partner at University of Johannesburg / Olympic Study CentreProf. Cora Burnett University of Johannesburg Olympic Study Centre, South Africa
Dr Jayne Caudwell Adviser, University of BournemouthDr. Jayne Caudwell    University of Bournemouth England  Dr Megan Chawansky AdvisorDr. Megan Chawansky University of Kentucky U.S.A.  Ernest Gibba Partner at Kartong Sport Committee, The Gambia Ernest Gibba            Kartong Sport Committee, The Gambia  Lamin A Jatta Partner at Berending Sport Committee, The Gambia Lamin A Jatta                Berending Sport Committee, The Gambia
Tamara Juricic        Belovedates – Elixir Foods Ltd, Scotland  Abdou Manjang Partner at Gunjur Sport Committee, The GambiaAbdou Manjang             Gunjar Sport Committee, The Gambia  Geri Mitchell Partner at Sandele Foundation, The Gambia Geri Mitchell                   Sandele Foundation, The Gambia Prof. Marina Novelli, ConsultantProf. Marina Novelli        University of Brighton, England
Awaiting- Sarjo Saidy Madina Salem, Sport Committee, The Gambia  Nico Schulenkorf Adviser at the University of Technology, SydneyDr. Nico Schulenkorf            University of Technology, Sydney, Australia  Jack Sugden Adviser, University of Technology, SydneyDr. Jack Sugden,               Edgehill University, England  Yeh Jung Yi Partner at KSMYeh Jung Yi                Director, Korean Sharing Movement, Rep. of Korea




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