Football 4 Peace International

Using sport to promote peaceful coexistence



Dissertation Cover Paul Hurrel May 2016Hurrell, P. (2016) ‘Can Sport Development Programmes Really Have An Impact On Peace In Local Communities?’ ,University of Worcester
CoverJournalArticleRooney, P. (2012) ‘Sport for development: The  case of Northern Ireland’, NUI Galway, School of Geography and Archaelogy

Lambert, John (2012) ‘A Values-based approach to Coaching Sport in a Divided Society’, Eastbourne; University of Brighton


Sugden, Jack (2011) ‘Civil Society and Peacebuilding in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Football for peace and the view from the bottom’, Belfast; Queen’s University
Spacey, G.B. (2010). ‘‘‘I take this frustration and try to bring to it something stable – a more reasonable and more optimistic view for the future” – The impact of motivation on the agency of facilitators of the Football 4 Peace initiative in Israel’, Eastbourne: University of Brighton, Chelsea School of Sport
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