Football 4 Peace International

Using sport to promote peaceful coexistence

Korean Sharing Movement’s Football Peace Classes Kids Camp

The Korean Sharing Movement eighth children’s peace football class has come to a successful end.  It ran for three months every Saturday since April 1 and for 35 children . What a success!

We had a relatively higher number of girls when compared to our previous classes which in turn allowed us to speak about peace in different ways that may affect them. In addition to our usual coaches we also had Derrick, a Ghanaian student, Umair, a coach from Pakistan and Dea, a coach from Indonesia volunteer to be involved. The children were able have an opportunity to learn about diversity, fairness and empathy thanks to the diverse volunteers. 

We asked the children to express their definition of peace on a piece of paper both before and after the program. The first answers were rather vague and ambiguous, with answers such as ‘I don’t know’, ‘not fighting’, and ‘good things’. However, on the second time, there answers such as “respecting and looking out for one another”, “a comfortable state with no war or fighting”, which were far more specific than the answers before the program. We felt very thankful for the children for their spirit and learning over these 3 weeks and hope to be able to continue in our efforts to strive for peace and unity.

Click here to be directed to the Korean Sharing Movements article.


Mohammed Chakar • May 25, 2017

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